Did you know that in Cuba:
1. To connect to the internet, written permission is required, and without it, you could face 5 years in prison.
2. The highest point is Pico Turquino, standing at 2005 meters.
3. Healthcare is free and considered one of the best in the world, with each family having their own personal doctor!
4. More than 2 million tourists vacation here annually.
5. Coffee and famous cigars are local pride.
6. Communism is still in effect, and promoting polarizing ideology could land you in jail for 3 years.
7. The Cauto River stretches 370 km long.
8. The education system is underdeveloped.
9. Children affected by the Chernobyl disaster underwent rehabilitation here.
10. Essential goods can only be purchased with ration cards.
11. “Congri,” a popular local dish, is a mix of meat, rice, and black beans.
12. You can watch TV comfortably as there are no commercials.
13. Camilo Cienfuegos was the third revolutionary and a comrade of Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara.
14. The population is very kind-hearted, and their life is free from hustle.
15. The women here are very attractive.
16. The large Sierra Maestra National Park is a sight that delights tourists.